VA – The One Year Chronicle of Southside Recordings

Southside Recordings originally was intended to be a way of releasing own material by the Southside House Collective. But soon, friends and nearby producers, wanted to be part of ”the family”.
Nowadays people from all around the world is submitting demos.

We love what we do, we know that we’re not the biggest company, but we sure as hell hustle in the ever growing world of the EDM scene, in the struggle of being recognized and we put our hearts into it!

So to celebrate the first year of Southside Recordings, here’s a set of some of the tracks, released in the fab one year of Southside Recordings.

Google Play:
Juno Download:

Music & Remixes from: Andreas Rodlund, Matt Hewie, Martin Eriksson, Jonny Rose, Josef Bamba, Lars Aar, Riverhouse, Agenjay, Southside House Collective, Danny Thorn, Marcello Calvetti, Stevan Star, Jakke Erixson, Agravic, Chris Heart, St. James, Chris Delay.

/Much Love
Southside Recordings & Southside House Collective


Rodlund & Hewie – Bird

Rodlund & Hewie - BirdBird is the second release from Southside Recordings, an amazing track from Swedish up and coming producer’s Matt Hewie and Andreas Rodlund.
This melodic electro house track has already been played by several mainstage acts and is believed to be one of the great club tracks this spring.

Matt Hewie was in 2009 a nominee as best remixer and producer along with the SHM-team and has been rocking the Scandinavian Charts ever since.

Andreas Rodlund is another Swedish rising star, together they have formed a sound and created a track that will blow you away!

As a Bird reach for the sky! So does this track.
Show your support and get your legal copy today!

iTunesSpotifyBeatportJuno, Deezer

Supported by: Alexei, Antoine Clamaran, Bobby Deep, Chris Keaser, Dj Frisco (Hit Clubbin/Splash FM Spain), DMS12, Flash Brothers, George Von Liger, Ismael Rivas, Jim Ryan (Miss MP), Markus Schulz, Michael C, Myon & Shane 54, Neil Moore, Pizza Brothers, Simon Kaye, Andalo, Andy Grange, Bayamo, Chris Delay, Dj Boerni, Dj Jerema (FR), Johan Davidsson, Johan Eyermann, Johan Åberg, Lars Hansen, Madrix, Marcello Calvetti, Mark V, Martin Hansen, Rasmus Raz Lindvall, Stephen Budge, Tobbe P, Tommy Scott, Discopress Ltd, Pelle Eriksson, John Gibbons, Steve Cooper, Mike Rizzo, Paul Kennedy (Primetime – Cool FM – Ireland), Mario Rybansky, Pashaa, Mike Ivy (Twisted Energy UK), Seth Nichols, Silvio Carrano, DJ Antixx, Ed Kurno, Paul Nova

Southside House Collective Feat. St. James – Raise The Roof

Raise The Roof is the first release on the brand new Swedish label Southside Recordings.
The guys behind the label is the Swedish dj & producer trio, iTod, Junior & J.J, more known as Southside House Collective.

This tough, electronic and massively effective release is for sure going to rock clubs & arenas around the world in 2013..
It’s just one of those failsafe tracks you can’t be without!

Remixes included are Chris Delay’s tight stompy tech version to Joel Smiel’s dirty electro fisting face slapper..
And of course the Original in both Vocal and Instrumental version

This is just a pack that has something for everyone in the EDM Scen.
This release will for sure Raise The Roof whenever it’s played!

Show your support and get your legal copy today!

iTunes,  Beatport,  Spotify,  Juno Download, Deezer, Google Play

Southside House Collective Feat MissuM – Six Feet Under (2012 Version)

We felt this baby needed a 2012 sound, and still keep our original 2009 feeling alive. This was our first track released and during 2009-10 it stayed on the official Swedish Dance Chart for more then 6 months.

Hope you enjoy our re-fresh!!
We are humble for any support and feedback we can get in the EDM scene!
Thanks in advance & much love!

iTunes (Scandinavia)
iTunes (Rest of the world)
Beatport (Scandinavia)
Beatport (Rest of the world)
Spotify (Worldwide)

Can You Feel The Love – OUT 2nd of April on PR Records

This is a preview of our new single that we made together with our Swedish colleagues Muff Cut.
On the vocal’s is the one and only St. James, that don’t need any further introduction
Release date for the singel will be on the 2nd of april.
On this release you will also find a variety of remixes from: Chris Delay, Chris Heart, Raymond Lam, Joey Massa & FUI.

Can You Feel The Love!?!?
Hope you like it and don’t forget, sharing is caring.
Feel free to leave your feedback in the comment field.

Chris Delay & Southside House Collective Feat Clare Elise – You And Me, OUT NOW

Chris Delay & Southside House Collective (iTod, Junior & J.J) 
teamed up for the first time.
Beside that it’s the first Chris Delay single and the fifth one for Southside House Collective.

‘You And Me’ has a killer chord progression in the break followed by a powerful drop which is going to crack the dance floors for sure.
It includes the lovely Clare Elise’s voice which adds something really nice to the track.
You’ll be deeply caught by this melodious track!


IN:TEAM – Southside House Collective, Chris Delay, Joey Massa, Raymond Lam

Southside House Collective bjuder inte på en helt vanlig j-vla onsdag, utan en In:Team sådan tillsammans med Chris Delay, Raymond Lam och Joey Massa. Vi kommer inte att tjata om pippi-fåglar, ägg och gula fjädrar. Fast vi gillar att det är kort vecka! Det kallas Påsk!

IN:TEAM 20 aprilTrött på klubbar som bjuder på något för alla? Vill du ha elektronisk öronstimulans? Gillar du att kramas? Vill du slippa Spotify? Skiter du i Påsken? Gillar du Påsken? Eller egentligen stänkaren till maten? (Vi har nämligen stänkare i baren)

Om du svarat ja på något av ovannämnda alternativ så är In:Team på Babeltillsammans med Southside House Collective det självklara valet onsdagen den 20e april.

Chris Delay – Med runt 1000 spelningar i bagaget har han turnerat i de svenska fjällen till soliga Mallorca och är ett välkänt ansikte i Malmös olika dj-bås. Det är med mycket kärlek vi bjuder in Delay, då han på senare tid har tagit steget till att även producera egen musik, med kommande releaser och remix släpp tillsammans med just Southside House Collective! Chris lirar allt från mörka minimaliska rytmer till progressiva energi-rika toner med inspiration från trance musiken.

Joey Massa — Med inspiration av allt från mellanösterns orientaliska melodier till zigenarnas trumpet-jazz, blandar han friskt mellan den bredare klubbmusiken och housens finaste bitar. Joey håller ett högt tempo och skapar okontrollerat mycket glädje. Förutom Malmö’s klubbar har han spelat på välkända Berns i Stockholm, Peacock i Göteborg m.fl. På scen har han synts med större namn såsom Laidback Luke, Albin Myers, Sebastien Drums samt Robyn tillsammans med Southside House Collevtive.

Raymond Lam – Efter att kommit hem från en lyckad mini turné i Algeriet är Raymond tillbaka i Sverige med nya influenser. Raymond Lam är en ung, kreativ och dynamisk DJ som har sina rötter i hiphop kulturen men blev snabbt förälskad i house musiken. Han har tidigare spelat med stora namn såsom Robyn med Southside House Collective, Darwin & Backwall, Mikael Weermets, Norman Doray, Jonas Sellberg och Dabruck & Klein. Vi får höra alla typer av stilar inom house genren, från mörk djungel techno till melodisk arena house.

VAD: Southside House Collective — In:Team
NÄR: Onsdag 20 April, 23–03
VAR: Babel, Spångatan 38, Malmö
DJs: Southside House Collective, Chris Delay, Raymond Lam och Joey Massa
ENTRÉ: 20 kr innan 24:00, sedan 40 kr för studenter och 60 kr för alla andra.
ÅLDER: 20 år, begränsad 18 årslista; maila —